IGBC Green Townships
IGBC Green Townships rating system is a tool which enables the designer to apply green concepts and criteria, so as to reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The rating system is designed to address large developments and it is mandatory to include residential development as part of the township.
Township Defined:
A township is a combination of several communities; a community in turn is a combination of several sectors. Several townships form a city. A city typically has an administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law. A township, however, may not fall under the purview of the local government.
Township ranges in sizes and land uses. Townships are typically mixed-use in character. However, Townships can be predominantly commercial, industrial or retail but should necessarily comprise of a residential component. Atleast 25% of the total built-up area (in sq. m.) within the township should be earmarked for residential use, for it to qualify for certification.
Application of IGBC Green Township rating system in large developments would address national priorities leading to benefits, such as efficient land use, habitat preservation and restoration, effective transport management, efficient use of resource and enhanced quality of life for the occupants.
Adopting the IGBC Green Townships rating systems will reap the following benefits:
- Water efficiency - Green townships encourage use of water in a self - sustainable manner through reducing, recycling and reusing strategies and can save potable water to an extent of 30 - 50%
- Energy efficiency - Green townships can reduce energy consumption of infrastructural equipment through energy efficient street lighting, motors, pumps etc. The energy savings that can be realised by adopting this rating programme in infrastructural equipment can be to the tune of 20 - 30%. Further, on-site power generation using various renewable energy technologies and other clean fuels can significantly reduce the load on grid power supply.
- Waste Management - Green townships encourage effective waste management strategies by facilitating the segregating of waste at source and promoting the reuse / co-processing of products and materials.
Benefits to Developers
There is wide spread perception that environmentally responsive developments are time consuming and financially less rewarding. However, in reality well-executed green developments perform extremely well financially, as they require lower operating costs, increase health and productivity of the citizens and have higher marketability. The immediate benefits include reduction in water and energy demand right from the initial stages of operation. The energy savings range from 20-30% and water savings around 30 - 50%.
Other benefits include:
- Reduced maintenance cost
- Reduced resource consumption
- Reduced waste generation
- Higher Marketability
- Speedy approvals
The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist. The project can apply for IGBC Townships certification if it can meet all mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required points.
IGBC Green Townships rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
- Site Selection and Planning
- Land Use Planning
- Transporation Planning
- Infrastructure Resource Management
- Innovation & Design Process
The rating system is designed to address large developments and it is mandatory to include residential development as part of the township. Some typical examples of large scale developments are integrated townships, satellite cities, gated communities, campuses with multiple buildings etc. However, it is to be noted that the rating system is not applicable for individual buildings and land parcels.
When to use IGBC Green Townships
IGBC Green Township rating system is designed primarily for large scale developments. Residential dwellings should be an integral part of the development. The project teams should first evaluate if the mandatory requirements of the rating system are met and able to achieve the minimum points required for certification.
Certification Levels
Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Green Township should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.
The threshold criteria for certification/pre-certification levels are as under:
Certification Level | Points | Recognition |
Certified | 100 - 119 | Best Practices |
Silver | 120 - 139 | Outstanding Performance |
Gold | 140 - 159 | National Excellence |
Platinum | 160 - 200 | Global Leadership |
Fee Structure (effective from 1 January 2016)
Registration Fee (Rs)
IGBC Members | 90,000 |
Non members | 95,000 |
Precertification Fee (Rs.)
IGBC Members | 2,50,000 |
Non members | 2,75,000 |
Certification Fee (Rs)
Certification Fee | Less than 50 Hectares | 51 to 100 Hectares | 101 Hectares & above |
Fixed rate | Based on site area | Fixed rate | |
Founding Members | 3,60,000 | Rs. 3,60,000 + Rs. 6,300 per additional hectare over & above 50 hectares | 6,75,000 |
Annual members | 4,00,000 | Rs. 400,000 + Rs. 6,300 per additional hectare over & above 50 hectares | 715,000 |
Non-members | 4,10,000 | Rs. 4,10,000 + Rs. 6,300 per additional hectare over & above 50 hectares | 7,25,000 |
- Fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Registration, Precertification and Certification fee are non-refundable
- Membership discounts can be availed only if the Project Owner or Developer is a member of IGBC
Payment Details:
- Payment can be done through Online options - Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.