IGBC Green Residential Societies

Version 1.0 - Applicable from 1 July 2020

The building sector in India is growing at a rapid pace and contributing immensely to the growth of the National economy. The sector has embraced sustainable design & construction practices in the past decade and enabled India to be in the International map of green buildings and built environment. While the concept of green was initially adopted in commercial buildings, it is now extending to varied types of buildings and communities. This augurs well for a country where the sector is expected to grow four-fold in the next two decades.

The green concepts and techniques in the building sector can help address National concerns like water efficiency, energy efficiency, and reduction in fossil fuel use, handling of consumer waste and conserving natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance occupant's health and well-being, which is assuming greater importance.

Today the existing residential stock is a significant consumer of resources. It also presents tremendous opportunities to enhance efficiency of resource use. There are millions of Residential Societies which can address resource efficiency coupled with enhancing the quality of life.

Against this background, the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has formed a Technical committee to establish Green Residential Society rating system for existing multi dwelling residential buildings. The committee, through various deliberations has come out with a Pilot rating to establish standards in designing sustainable Residential Society. This has been developed considering the Indian context and the National priorities.


  • 20-30% reduction in Energy cost
  • 30-50% reduction in Water requirement
  • Improved health & wellbeing of occupants


The project team can evaluate all the possible points to apply under the rating system using a suitable checklist.

IGBC Green Residential Societies rating system addresses green features under the following categories:

  • Facility Management
  • Sustainable Water Practices
  • Energy Conservation
  • Waste Management
  • Innovative Practices


The IGBC Green Residential Societies Rating is designed to address the specific requirements of existing Multi Dwelling residential buildings.

Certification Levels

The threshold criteria for certification levels are as under:
Certification Level Credit Points Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 National Excellence
Platinum 80 & Above Global Leadership
Validity of Certification

IGBC Green Residential Societies rating is valid for a period of 3 years from the date of issue of the certification.
For recertification, the projects have to show compliance to the latest version of IGBC Green Residential Societies rating prevailing at the time of recertification.

Fee Structure (effective from 1 January 2016)

Registration Fee - Rs. 10,000
Certification Fee
No. of Flats Upto 100 101 to 500 501 to 1000 > 1000
Fee 85,000 1,30,000 1,75,000 2,20,000
  • Registration & Certification fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST) (DD / Cheque in favour of "Confederation of Indian Industry" payable at Hyderabad)
  • Registration and Certification fee are non-refundable

Contact Us

For more details, please contact:
IGBC Marketing:
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Anand Sundararajan
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IGBC Technical:
Pavan Tadepalli
Dhiraj Katari
Associate Counsellor
Ms. Amruta Katpelwar
Associate Counsellor
For admin / general queries
Praveen Soma
Principal Counsellor

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