IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS)

IGBC Green MRTS rating system is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed with the support of IGBC Green MRTS Steering Committee. The rating system is a tool to enable new Rail based MRTS to apply green concepts during design & construction, so as to further reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The overarching objective of IGBC Green MRTS Rating is to ensure environmental sustainability, while enhancing commuter experience.


By applying the green concepts in the design, construction & operation, the following additional benefits are envisaged over conventional MRTS for the Environment, Metro Rail Authorities and Commuters:

  • Reduced dependency on private vehicles, thereby minimising the environmental impacts associated with the use of conventional energy
  • Integration with other modes of public transport, thereby enhancing connectivity
  • Enhanced station accessibility to improve first & last mile connectivity and achieve maximum leadership
  • Maximise resource efficiency
  • Increased environmental awareness among commuters
  • Enhanced commuting experience


All new Rail based MRTS projects can apply for IGBC Green MRTS Rating, if they meet all the mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required credit points.

List of Rail based MRTS projects applicable under IGBC Green MRTS Rating are as under:
  1. Metro Rail Systems
  2. Mono Rail Systems

The current pilot version of IGBC Green MRTS Rating Abridged Version is only applicable for Metro Rail Systems. IGBC would release applicability guide of IGBC Green MRTS Rating for Mono Rail systems at a later date.

Scope of IGBC Green MRTS Rating for Metro Rail systems includes Elevated stations, Underground stations, At grade stations and Viaduct/ Tunnel.

For the purpose of rating, the project team has to define a clear site boundary which includes but not limited to:
  • Station building, Ancillary facilities, Parking, Hardscape/ Softscape area around station etc.
  • Except for Property Development areas within the station, other Property Development areas outside/ above stations are excluded from the scope of IGBC Green MRTS Rating.

Contact Us

For more details, please contact:
IGBC Marketing:
Punit Agarwal
IGBC Technical:
Saurav Choudhury
Counsellor, IGBC
Ar. Asphia Taimur
Associate Counsellor
Ar. Naveen Akkina
Senior Counsellor, IGBC

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