IGBC Green Cities

IGBC Green Cities rating system is a voluntary and consensus based programme. The rating system has been developed with the support of IGBC Green Cities Committee.

IGBC Green Cities rating system is the first of its kind rating in India to address environmental sustainability in emerging cities. The rating system shall enable the development authorities and developers to apply green concepts and planning principles, so as to reduce environmental impacts that are measurable and improve the overall quality of life.

Benefits of Green Cities

    Efficient Land Use

    Green Cities promote effective land use by encouraging land use mix and higher densities to ensure compact development.
    These planning concepts are gaining prime importance offering multiple benefits as mentioned below:

    • Higher density and compact development
    • Promote transit oriented development
    • Preservation and Restoration of Water Bodies & Eco-sensitive zones
    • Offer a variety of housing typologies
    • Reduces distances between home and workplace
    • Pedestrian and bicycle-friendly environments
    • Enhanced community bonding in neighbourhoods
    Efficient Mobility

    Green City increases opportunities for bicycling, pedestrian friendly network, reduction in the number of automobile trips, promoting public transportation and use of vehicles with alternative fuels. In a nutshell, efficient transportation planning enable cities to accommodate all modes of travel, including walking, bicycling and public transportation which are vital parts of reducing the carbon footprint in cities.

    Efficient City Infrastructure

    Efficient use of infrastructure limits the usage of natural resources by incorporating best practices such as:

    • Water Efficiency: Green City would result in potable water savings to the tune of 30-40% by adopting practices such as rain water harvesting, treatment & reuse of waste water, storm water management, etc.
    • Energy Efficiency: Power generation using various renewable energy technologies and Green concepts can significantly reduce the power supply demand of the city leading to energy savings to the tune of 20-30%.
    • Solid Waste Management: Waste management in Green Cities takes into account planning and implementation of efficient systems for collection, transportation, treatment, recycling and reuse or disposal of municipal solid waste. Green Cities aim to achieve zero waste discharge to landfill sites.
    Enhanced Quality Of Life

    Reduced commuting time, accessible recreational spaces, increase in green cover, continuous environmental monitoring shall enhance the quality of life thereby making the city healthier and liveable.

Scope of IGBC Green Cities Rating System

Projects shall meet the following criteria to qualify for IGBC Green Cities Rating:
  1. Any upcoming large scale Development (Greenfield Development or Brownfield Development or Combination) with a minimum area of 250 Ha and minimum gross population density** of 125 persons per hectare (pph).*.
  2. The city shall generate employment opportunities (direct and indirect employment) for at least 20% of the total population
  3. The city shall have following social infrastructure facilities*.
    1. Education facilities
    2. Healthcare facilities
    3. Socio Cultural facilities
    4. Recreational facilities
    5. Sports Facilities
  • Source: MoUD's 'Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines', Volume 1, January 2015
  • Gross Population Density is defined as persons per unit area (in hectares) for developed area (Refer Annexure I for definition) only.
  • In case, a large scale Development (Greenfield Development or Brownfield Development or Combination) is not able to achieve a minimum gross population density of 125 persons per hectare, the project shall provide employment opportunities for at least 30% of its residents.

Fee Structure (effective from 1 January 2017)

Registration Fee
Category Registration Fee(Rs)
IGBC Members 95,000
Non-members 1,00,000
Certification Fee
Category Less than 1,000 Hectares of Land Use Area 1,000 to 10,000 Hectares of Land Use Area Greater than 10,000 Hectares of Land Use Area
Founding Members 6,50,000 8,50,000 10,50,000
Annual members 6,90,000 8,90,000 10,90,000
Non-members 7,00,000 9,00,000 11,00,000
Payment Details:
  • Payment can be done through Online options - Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.

Contact Us

For more details, please contact:
IGBC Marketing:
Punit Agarwal
IGBC Technical:
Ar.Saurav Choudhury
Counsellor, IGBC
Ar. Asphia Taimur
Associate Counsellor
Ar. Naveen Akkina
Senior Counsellor, IGBC

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