IGBC Green Schools

IGBC set up the Green Schools Core Committee to develop a rating program to address school children from Kindergarten to Higher secondary (KG to + 2). The committee comprises of key stakeholders, including educationists, principals, school managements, industry representatives and architects. The committee, with a diverse background and knowledge has enriched the rating system, both in its content and process.

The School rating system is unique in the sense that it addresses eco-education, Health & hygiene besides the infrastructural facilities, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste management. Aspects like nutrition, physical activity & safety are also addressed.

Any project can apply for IGBC Green Schools Rating System certification, if it meets all the mandatory requirements and achieve the minimum required credit points. Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. The guidelines detailed would also help in the implementation and monitoring of eco-friendly measures.

All the schools going for IGBC Green Schools Certification should adhere to the local building laws and stipulations.

Benefits of Green & Healthy Schools

These benefits to the schools can be broadly categorized under performance, pedagogy, community and responsibility:

Schools can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption. Intangible benefits include health & wellbeing of children, enhanced air quality and excellent day lighting.


IGBC Green Schools rating system addresses green features under the following categories:
  • Site Selection and Planning
  • Sustainable Water Practices
  • Conserving & Harvesting Energy
  • Eco-Friendly School Material
  • Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Health & Hygiene
  • Green Education

The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of schools of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green new school should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.

Both teachers and school children can participate in the design and implementation:

  • Step 1: Analysis & Documentation
  • Step 2: Checklist preparation
  • Step 3: Identify and implement

Schools interested in IGBC Green Schools Rating System Certification can register with the Council. Projects can be registered on the IGBC website (www.igbc.in) under 'IGBC Green Schools Rating System'. The registration is the initial step which will help in establishing contact with IGBC and provide access to several resources.


The rating system is designed such that both existing schools and new schools can use the guidelines.

  • Existing Schools: Schools which already at operational levels
  • New Schools: Schools that are getting constructed.

Certification Levels

The various levels of rating awarded are:
Certification Level Existing Schools New Schools Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 55 - 65 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 66 - 76 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 77 - 87 National Excellence
Platinum 80 - 100 88 - 110 Global Leadership

The council would recognise green schools that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque.

Fee Structure (effective from 1 January 2016)

Registration & Certification Fee
Registration Fee (Rs) 25,000
Certification Fee (Rs) 50,000
  • Project plaque additional cost Rs 20,000+ taxes to be paid
  • Parking areas need not be considered as part of the built-up area
  • Fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Registration and Certification fee are non-refundable
Payment Details:
  • Payment can be done through Online options - Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.

Contact Us

IGBC Marketing:
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Anand Sundararajan
Associate Counsellor
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IGBC Technical:
Pavan Tadepalli
Dhiraj Katari
Associate Counsellor
Ms. Amruta Katpelwar
Associate Counsellor
For admin / general queries
Praveen Soma
Principal Counsellor

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