IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System

The Logistics ecosystem plays a key role in driving the economy of the country. An efficient, effective and robust logistics ecosystem can have a domino effect on the socio-economic growth of a region/country. India with its vast road & rail network, coastline and airports provides an ideal platform for logistics operation. With thrust on few key policies and automation, the logistics sector in India is booming.

Since the last decade, the Logistics sector in India has witnessed a rapid rise in demand for freight-forwarding, warehousing and supply chain. This demand, more so the demand for warehousing, is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. While the increase in demand for logistics and warehousing certainly augurs well for the country, it is imperative for these developments to adopt green principles in order to optimise the use of resources and aid growth in a sustainable manner.

Adopting green concepts and techniques in the logistics sector can help address socio-economic & environmental issues in a broad sense. The green concepts will also address national priorities such as - water conservation, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use for commuting & transportation, conserving natural resources, handling of consumer waste, warehouse management and overall supply chain management. Further, these green concepts enhance occupant health, productivity and well-being.

Against this background, the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has launched the 'IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses Rating System (Pilot Version)', a 'first-of-its-kind and an exclusive rating system for Logistics Parks and Warehouses in India, to address the aforementioned priorities.

IGBC would be addressing Liquid storage and Container storage sectors within the rating system in the subsequent versions.


The IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses rating system addresses the three pillars of sustainability i.e. Social, Environmental and Economical; thereby, the logistics park and warehouse projects going green can have multi-fold tangible and intangible benefits.

The tangible benefits include reduction in water and energy consumption right from day one of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 20-30% and potable water savings around 30-40%; along with, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, optimised lead time and enhanced storage space utilization.

The intangible benefits include conservation of scarce national resources, better health & well-being of occupants and higher productivity of workforce.

The rating system also addresses social aspects like basic facilities for occupants, drivers & construction workforce, park security, service vehicle parking and green measures beyond the fence for nearby communities.

Overview and Process

IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses rating system (Pilot version) addresses green features and operational aspects under the following categories:

  • Park Planning & Design
  • Park Facilities & Operation
  • Transport Efficiency
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Conservation
  • Resource Management
  • Health & Well-being
  • Innovation in Design & Operation

The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit, facilitates the design, construction and renovation of new & existing logistics parks and warehouses (as defined in the scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every Logistics park/ warehouse should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.


The rating system is designed to address a variety of storage facilities for both New & Existing typologies including, but not limited to, Logistics Parks (including Multi Modal Logistics Parks), Warehouses, Cold Storages, Distribution Centres, Value-add facilities (Assembly, Packaging, Repackaging), Free-trade & Warehousing Zones, Industrial Parks & Light Manufacturing Units with Warehouses (with minimum 50% storage area) and Retail Warehouses (with minimum 50% storage area), from government, co-operative and private orgranisations.

  • The pilot version of the rating system is broadly classified into three categories as listed below:
    1. Logistics Parks
      • Applicable to both Owner-occupied and Tenant-occupied projects, which have upto 4 or more warehouses.
    2. Warehouses
      • Applicable to both Owner-occupied and Tenant-occupied projects, which have upto 3 warehouses.
    3. Interior Fit-outs
      • Applicable only to Tenant-occupied projects, in the Logistics Parks, Warehouses, Cold Storages, Distribution Centres, Free-trade & Warehousing Zones, Industrial Parks & Light Manufacturing Units with Warehouses (with minimum 50% storage area) and Retail Warehouses (with minimum 50% storage area), etc.
  • Applicabilty:
    • Owner-occupied category is applicable to Logistics Parks, Warehouses, Cold Storages,etc.,as defined in the scope, which are owned and operated by a single logistic service provider. E.g. 3PLs, Government Owned Logistics Parks.
      • Single tenant-occupied (with minimum 10 year lease period) and Built-to-suit single tenant-occupied Logistics Parks/ Warehouses with the consent of developer can be considered under Owner-occupied category.
    • Tenant-occupied category is applicable to Logistics Parks, Warehouses, Cold Storages, etc.,as defined in the scope, which are leased to one or multiple logistic service providers.
    • Interior Fit-out category is applicable to tenant(s) occupying Warehouse(s), Cold Storage(s) etc., in a leased Logistic Park / Warehouse.
  • New / Existing Typologies:
    • New Logistics Parks / Warehouses / Interior Fit-outs are those which are in design / construction stage or in operation for less than one year.
      • Major renovation in Logistics Parks / Warehouses / Interior Fit-outs includes, but not limited to, major renovation of external façade (wall and glazing),lighting and HVAC systems. Major renovation projects will be considered under New Logistics Parks / Warehouses / Interior Fit-outs.
    • Existing Logistics Parks / Warehouses / Interior Fit-outs are those which are in operation for more than one year.
  • Precertification / Provisional Certification:
    • Precertification is offered for Tenant-occupied Logistics Parks and Warehouses.
    • Provisional Certification is offered for Owner-occupied Logistics Parks and Warehouses.
    • Precertification / Provisional Certification is not offered for Interior Fit-out Warehouses.
  • Certification:
    • Certification is offered for all categories and typologies.
  • The Rating awarded to the project would be based on the category as specified below, along with New / Existing typology.
Category Sub-category Rating
Logistics Parks Owner-occupied
IGBC Green Logistics Park
Warehouses Owner-occupied
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Warehouse
Cold Storages Owner-occupied
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Cold Storage
Distribution Centres Owner-occupied
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Distribution Centre
Multi-modal Logistics Parks Owner-occupied
IGBC Green Multi-modal Logistics Park
Free-trade & Warehousing Zones Owner-occupied
IGBC Green Free-trade & Warehousing Zone
Industrial Parks with Warehouses Owner-occupied
IGBC Green Industrial Parks and Warehouses*
Light Manufacturing Units with Warehouses Owner-occupied
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Warehouses*
Retail Warehouses Owner-occupied
Interior Fit-outs
IGBC Green Retail Warehouse

The rating awarded would be mentioned on Plaque / Name plate and Certificates.

  • name of the rating can be changed as per the client requirement.

Certification Levels

The threshold criteria for Certification/Precertification/Provisional Certification levels are as under:
Logistics Parks:
Certification Level Logistics Parks Recognition
Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied
Existing New Existing New
Certified 40-49 40-49 36-44 36-44 Best Practices
Silver 50-59 50-59 45-53 45-53 Outstanding Performance
Gold 60-74 60-74 54-62 54-62 National Excellence
Platinum 75-100 75-100 63-90 63-90 Global Leadership
Certification Level Warehouses Recognition
Owner Occupied Tenant Occupied
Existing New Existing New
Certified 40-49 40-49 36-44 36-44 Best Practices
Silver 50-59 50-59 45-53 45-53 Outstanding Performance
Gold 60-74 60-74 54-62 54-62 National Excellence
Platinum 75-100 75-100 63-90 63-90 Global Leadership
Interior Fit-outs:
Certification Level Interior Fit-outs Recognition
Existing New
Certified 30-36 30-36 Best Practices
Silver 37-44 37-44 Outstanding Performance
Gold 45-55 45-55 National Excellence
Platinum 56-75 56-75 Global Leadership

IGBC will recognise Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque.

Fee Structure

Registration Fee (Rs)
Category Incl. of GST 18%
IGBC Founding Member 29,500
IGBC Annual Member 29,500
Non-Member 35,400
Precertification Fee (Rs.)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks
(Applicable for Owner Occupied & Tenant Occupied - New Logistics Parks with 4 or more Warehouses)
Membership Category Upto 40 acres Above 40 acres
Flat Fee (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 25,0000 3,00,000
IGBC Annual Member 2,75,000 3,25,000
Non-Member 3,00,000 3,50,000
IGBC Green Warehouses
(Applicable for Owner Occupied & Tenant Occupied - New Warehouses with upto 3 Warehouses)
Membership Category 20,000 sq m & below 20,001 sq m & above
Flat Fee (INR) Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 2,00,000 2,50,000
IGBC Annual Member 2,25,000 2,75,000
Non-Member 2,50,000 3,00,000
Certification Fee (Rs)
IGBC Green Logistics Parks
(Applicable for Owner Occupied & Tenant Occupied - New & Existing Logistics Parks with 4 or more Warehouses)
Membership Category Upto 15 Acres Site Area 15 to 40 Acres Site Area 40 to 75 Acres Site Area 75 Acres & above Site Area
Flat Fee (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Based on Acres (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 3,80,000 Rs. 4,00,00 plus Rs. 5,800 per additional acre over & above 15 acres Rs. 5,65,000 plus Rs. 7,300 per additional acre over & above 40 acres 8,40,000
IGBC Annual Member 3,90,000 Rs. 4,10,000 plus Rs. 6,000 per additional acre over & above 15 acres Rs. 5,80,000 plus Rs. 7,500 per additional acre over & above 40 acres 8,60,000
Non-Member 4,00,000 Rs. 4,20,000 plus Rs. 6,000 per additional acre over & above 15 acres Rs. 5,90,000 plus Rs. 7500 per additional acre over & above 40 acres 8,70,000
IGBC Green Warehouses
(Applicable for Owner Occupied & Tenant Occupied - New & Existing Warehouses with upto 3 Warehouses)
Membership Category Built-up Area 5,000 sq.m & below Built-up Area 5,001 sq.m to 20,000 sq.m Built-up Area 20,001 sq.m to 35,000 sq.m Built-up Area 35,000 sq.m & above
Flat Fee (INR) Based on sq.m (INR) Based on sq.m (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 1,80,000 INR 2,00,000 plus INR 6.75 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 3,20,000 plus INR 6.75 per additional sq.m over & above 20,000 sq.m 4,45,000
IGBC Annual Member 1,90,000 INR 2,10,000 plus INR 7 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 3,35,000 plus INR 7 per additional sq.m over & above 20,000 sq.mr 4,60,000
Non-Member 2,00,000 INR 2,20,000 plus INR 7 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 3,45,000 plus INR 7 per additional sq.m over & above 20,000 sq.m 4,70,000
IGBC Green Interior Fit-outs
(Applicable for Tenant Occupied - New & Existing Warehouses)
Membership Category Built-up Area 5,000 sq.m & below Built-up Area 5,001 sq.m to 10,000 sq.m Built-up Area 10,001 sq.m to 20,000 sq.m Built-up Area 20,000 sq.m & above Additional fee for each Warehouse with built-up area 5,000 sq.m and above
Flat Fee (INR) Based on sq.m (INR) Based on sq.m (INR) Flat Fee (INR) Flat Fee (INR)
IGBC Founding Member 1,50,000 INR 1,70,000 plus INR 9.5 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 2,40,000 plus INR 15.5 per additional sq.m over & above 10,000 sq.m 4,15,000 30,000
IGBC Annual Member 1,60,000 INR 180,000 plus INR 10 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 2,50,000 plus INR 16 per additional sq.m over & above 10,000 sq.m 4,30,000 30,000
Non-Member 1,70,000 INR 190,000 plus INR 10 per additional sq.m over & above 5,000 sq.m INR 2,60,000 plus INR 16 per additional sq.m over & above 10,000 sq.m 4,40,000 30,000


IGBC Green Logistics Parks and Warehouses rating system (Pilot Version)

Please note that the abridged reference guide is under pilot version and would be further modified based on the inputs from the subject matter experts, project teams and consultants.

For more details, please contact:

IGBC Marketing:
Anand Sundararajan
Associate Counsellor
Request a Call
IGBC Technical:
Ms. Prajakta Ghodchore
Architect, IGBC
Mr. Saurav Choudhury
Counsellor, IGBC
Ar. Naveen Akkina
Senior Counsellor, IGBC

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