IGBC Green Healthcare Facilities


The healthcare sector in India is growing at a rapid pace and contributing immensely to the growth of the quality of services. The sector is expected to grow several-fold in the next decade. While this augurs well for the country, there is an imminent need to introduce green concepts and techniques in this sector, which can aid growth in a sustainable manner.

Introducing green concepts in the healthcare facilities can help address National issues like infection, epidemics, handling of bio-medical waste, water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use for commuting, consumer waste and in general conservation of natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance patients' health, recovery and well-being.

Introducing green concepts in the healthcare facilities can help address National issues like infection, epidemics, handling of bio-medical waste, water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use for commuting, consumer waste and in general conservation of natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance patients' health, recovery and well-being.


Green Hospitals can have tremendous benefits, both tangible as well as intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day one of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 30 - 40 % and water savings around 20 - 30%. The intangible benefits are improved health and hygiene, enhanced daylight, connectivity with the nature, improved health & hygiene for better infection control, faster recovery of patients by 15%, Reduction in patient stay by 41%.


The rating system addresses the following aspects:
  • Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Sanitisation & Hygiene
  • Water Conservation
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Building Materials and Resources
  • Site Selection & Planning

The guidelines detailed under each mandatory requirement & credit enables the design and construction of new buildings of all sizes and types (as defined in scope). Different levels of green building certification are awarded based on the total credits earned. However, every green new building should meet certain mandatory requirements, which are non-negotiable.


IGBC Green Healthcare Facilities Rating System is designed for Sub-centre, Primary Health Centre, Community Health Centre, District Hospital, Clinics, Private Hospitals and Medical Institutions.

Approach for Medical Universities/ Campuses:

In case of Medical Universities, all buildings including healthcare facility in the campus can be considered for certification subject to:

  • All the buildings shall meet the mandatory requirements and minimum number of credits required under respective IGBC rating systems. For example, residential building should meet mandatory requirement and minimum number of credit points applicable under IGBC Green Homes.
  • Final rating awarded for the Medical University will be based on the rating achieved by the Healthcare Facility building.

Note:The project shall contact the IGBC technical team before registering the Medical Universities under the IGBC Green Healthcare Facilities Rating System. Additional Certification fee is applicable accordingly.

Certification Levels

The threshold criteria for certification/pre-certification levels are as under:
Certification Level Credits (New Healthcare Facilities) Credits (Exiting Healthcare Facilities) Recognition
Certified 50 - 59 45 - 53 Best Practices
Silver 60 - 69 54 - 62 Outstanding Performance
Gold 70 - 79 63 - 71 National Excellence
Platinum 80 - 100 72 - 90 Global Leadership

IGBC will recognise Green Healthcare Facility that achieve one of the rating levels with a formal letter of certification and a mountable plaque

Fee Structure

*The fee structure is applicable to both existing and new healthcare facility.
Registration Fee (Rs.)
Category Incl. of GST 18%
IGBC Member 29,500
Non-Member 35,400
Precertification / Provisional Certification Fee
IGBC Members 1,50,000
Non Members 1,85,000
Certification Fee (Rs.)
Membership Category Built-up Area:
5,000 sq m & below
Fixed rate (Rs)
Built-up Area:
5,001 sq m to 50,000 sq m
Based on sq m
Built-up Area:
50,001 sq m & above
Fixed rate (Rs)
Fixed rate Based on site area Fixed rate
Founding Members 1,40,000 Rs. 140,000 plus Rs. 10 per additional sq m over & above 5,001 sq m 5,90,000
Annual members 1,50,000 Rs. 150,000 plus Rs. 10.50 per additional sq m over & above 5,001 sq m 6,25,000
Non-members 1,60,000 Rs. 160,000 plus Rs. 10.50 per additional sq m over & above 5,001 sq m 6,35,000
  • Parking areas need not be considered as part of the built-up area
  • Fee is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Registration, Precertification, Provisional Certification and Certification fee are non-refundable
  • Membership discounts can be availed only if the Project Owner or Developer is a member of IGBC
Payment Details:
  • Payment can be done through Online options - Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.


Guidelines for COVID Centres

The COVID 19 pandemic in taking the country by storm, affecting the lives and livelihood of people. The healthcare industry and the frontline healthcare workers are facing several challenges in combatting the pandemic. There are several temporary facilities being established in the country to cater to the growing affected population. While these are makeshift arrangements they deserve as much attention to detailing as any other healthcare facility. Besides the medical needs these facilities face the challenge of resources conservation and optimisation.

Against this backdrop, IGBC has formed a Task Force Committee to frame guidelines for New, Existing converted COVID facilities and Modular facility and has released the pilot guidelines in August 2020.

IGBC encourages all key stakeholders including hospital owners, doctors, administrators and facility managers to incorporate and practice relevant measures to combat spread of COVID 19 in Healthcare facilities.

The guidelines have been broadly developed addressing the following 12 areas of concern:

  • Layout
  • Site Selection for Greenfield Facility
  • Modular Structures for Temporary Facilities
  • Hygiene Practices
  • Ventilation Parameters
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Conservation
  • Waste Management
  • Interior Furnishings
  • Facilities for Health Workforces

Now, IGBC is releasing the version 1.0 of Green Guidelines for Fast Track and Emergency Facilities for Treating COVID-19 Patients. The new version also includes the annexures with recommendations & specifications for COVID Facilities developed by MoHFW & NCDC, Govt. of India, IGBC and World Health Organisation (WHO). Also, Niti Ayog, Govt. of India, intends to do the same.

Please download the copy of the guidelines from the below link: IGBC Green Guidelines for Fast Track and Emergency Facilities for Treating COVID-19 Patients, Version 1.0

Contact Us

For more details, please contact:
IGBC Marketing:
Anand Sundararajan
Associate Counsellor
Request a Call
IGBC Technical:
Ar Nivedita Dileep
Associate Counsellor
Dr Shivraj Dhaka
Senior Counsellor

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